"Hip Hop will simply amaze you Craze you, pay you Do whatever you say do But black, it can't save you " - Dante Smith
Thank you for paying attention.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Good riddance...
I want to say God bless to everyone I know and love who's gone through the crap like my family and I have. This past year hasn't been good for many of us but we ARE HERE and will continue to survive as best we can. We have to.
Until next year, one love...
Bigg Russ
Monday, December 3, 2007
Two men and a camera...

Hey, you ever visit a website to buy something and you see that photo of that happy customer service rep? You know...the one who reps EVERY company? That's what's known as a stock photo. I know people who do that. Photographers, that is, but with better subject matter.
Along your web travels, stop by Wicks Brothers' Photography. Instead of lame, unoriginal stock photos, they've got non-lame, original photos. Check out Brother Mike's eye for underwater scenes and landscapes. Or feast your optics on Brother Gary's thing for Europe or simple country living.
Like I've mentioned earlier, I don't get paid from semi-advertising other links in my blog. I share what I want to share because I want to share it.
Monday, November 19, 2007
The B.M.A.'s!! (Boring Music Awards)
That being said, it hurt real bad having to sit through the American Music Awards last night. My heart goes out to Mr. West for the loss of his mom but I really wished he had opened the show as originally planned. The opening trio of Fergie, Will.I.Am and Nicole Sherizengerenaegger was simply boring. They picked the wrong songs to open a show. Of course, this is just my opinion...but a 'big night' is supposed to start off with a 'big bang', writers strike be damned. You're performers. PERFORM.
Had it not been for Chris Brown's saving the day during the middle of the show with his lighter than air dance moves, I would've just pulled the plug on the entire ceremony. The showstopper though was Alicia Keys' performance with Junior "One Blood" Reid, Chaka Demus & Pliers and Beenie Man! It was so unexpected that I could barely sing along as my mouth hit the floor. Dancehall ... @ the AMA's? CLASSIC. What's funny is, the best performance leading up to theirs was Jimmy Kimmel ft. Souljah Boy.
I barely remember the other performances or who won. Oh yeah, Carrie Underwood had the most or something. Daughtry won a pair. I see a trend here. Damn, Clive...you're good. Real good.
Also, Queen Latifah blew me away. She sang something from her latest album, Traveling Light. Thinking of Q.L. as a good singer is one thing but thinking of her as a good singer who once rapped Ladies First, U.N.I.T.Y. & Buddy (remix) just brings it all into a new perspective. You go, Queen La.!! I ain't payin' to see you in concert though ESPECIALLY at them prices. If you sing AND rap as an encore, then you might get my money. Monie Love would have to do her part on Ladies First though. Where she at?!
Anyway, if video killed the radio star, then studio artists have killed stage performances. Honorable mention to Joe Jonas for falling and bouncing right back up. Watching it on video is one thing. Seeing it live was awesome!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I'm all for getting up, standing up for your rights...but this writers thing cannot continue for too much longer. There are particular inalienable rights this blogger cannot live without. One of those rights being the one where I get to veg out on my favorite TV shows!! How will I be able to function w/o my weekly dose of Heroes, Desperate Housewives and Prison Break? Huh?!
Yeah...sounds frightening, doesn't it? Do you know what happens to Bigg Russ when his shows are interrupted. I get angry. And trust me...you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. I am a fair man though and I'll accept a trade. If the Hollywood suits and writers agree upon a contract a.s.a.p., I will do everything in my power to make sure that the following list of people & groups go on strike and never come off.
- Ghostwriters for rap artists. Seriously. You guys are actually getting worse than the artists you guys are writing for!
- Uwe Boll. Just watch one of the films he's directed. ANY of the films he's directed and you'll understand why I've listed him here. I can't even bring myself to comment any further.
- EA’s NBA Live development team. '95 is long over...and so is this series. 2KSports has buried 'em.
- Reality TV producers. Ironically, these guys are looking to get
- George Bush, Jr. Hell, I don't 'scriminate. His entire administration needs to take a well deserved rest.
- People who name products beginning with “i”.
- The San Antonio Spurs. Really, they can stop now. They're level of boring is unlike anything ever seen in professional basketball.
TV programming isn't the most important thing in the world...but when I'm waiting to find out who Sylar's going to eat next or if Carlos and Gabby are truly going to be together again, we can't have interruptions such as this.
Friday, November 9, 2007
I'ma get on this TV mama...

As a once non and current Kanye West fan, I want to personally give my condolences to him and his family for his recent loss. I often think about how I would handle a major loss like Kanye's. What I don't think about is how I would feel if I were on top of the world like Kanye and then had to deal with something like this. It's gotta be indescribable. I can only assume no song or phrase or chorus or video could possibly express the hurt of losing someone so integral to your being...from birth to worldwide status.
This particular story is important to me because Kanye's father wasn't around for his ascension. One thing I will always be is around for my children. Not because one of them might be famous and rich. But because it's simply important for men to be around to raise their children. Sure, one can argue that had Kanye's pops been around he may not have become the man he is but who's to say, really? It's a shame we'll never find out.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Ten 4 2Day: The Rap World

2. Keeping the segue smooth on the rap tip and full in effect (word to your mother!), it's been announced that our favorite shooting survivor, Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, is being considered to host his very own talk show. Excuse me if I'm wrong...but don't you have to know how to speak to host a talk show? I'm just sayin'...
3. If you've seen any of these rappers listed below, please let them know that someone thought about them: The Fu-Schnickens, Skee-Lo, Domino, Smooth Da Hustler, YZ, MC Brains, Special Ed, Supernatural (you did your thing at Rock The Bells!), Positive K., Crucial Conflict, Mic Geronimo, Trendz of Culture. I didn't like all of ya but I ain't forgot! I wish I could forget a few of you though...
4. Not necessarily rap specific but if you've never been to a concert or show, please do yourself a favor and do what M.J. said, "Make that change!!" I've been to more concerts and shows than I can remember and I'll probably never stop. My concert-going experience began with Run-DMC & The Beastie Boys and continues today with Prince, Mos Def, Wu-Tang and a short list of performers I like to see live. Check out the man soon to be Rev. Run and 'em below.

5. If you're really into hip-hop and rap music, check out BrooklynBodega.com. Don't say you ain't neva heard...
6. The worst thing about T.I.'s recent issues is that he's bound to make an album about it.
7. Once upon a time, I used to work for a certain 'teacher' from The Bronx. He taught me a lot about the rap industry, even when he didn't know it. I thought a lot like Biggie. I thought all rappers were friends and wanted to rhyme with each other and drink 40's together and lace up each others Adidas' and shit. Well, my short time with the 'teacher' made me realize otherwise. Rappers hate each other something akin to rival basketball teams. Most of the time, it's not true hate...but that kind of hate that makes one 'team' hope that the other 'team' fails. I'm not trying to blow up anyone's spot but it was sure an eye opener to see WORLD FAMOUS rappers walk passed each other w/o even the slightest head nod. Where's the love, the respect, the homeboy-ness?!
8. Okay, I'll admit it. I miss Flavor of Love. I'm sure VH1's accounting department is missing it too!
9. At Rock The Bells '07 in NYC, The microphone fiend Rakim alluded to producing Paid in Full part 2. He obviously couldn't see my face from where he stood on stage but I looked at him seven ways to Sunday 'cause he should be locked up for even THINKING about something like that. He's more on the outs with Eric B. than Britney is with K-Fed (I can reference them...isn't K-Fed a rapper too? :D) Any idea of making a Paid in Full 2.0 without Eric B. is tantamount to complete and utter excommunication by the global hip-hop tribunal!! If I catch The R. on the street, I'mma let 'em know for ALL of us!!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Setting an example...
Here's a list of films released during the first two weeks of October:
October 5:
- The Heartbreak Kid
- The Seeker: The Dark is Rising
- Michael Clayton
- Feel the Noise
- Grace is Gone
- Deal
- Finishing the Game
- Weirdsville
- Nina's Heavenly Delights
- The Good Night
- Broken
- Black Irish
October 12:
- Control
- Elizabeth: The Golden Age
- We Own the Night
- The Final Season
- Postal
- Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married?
- Hitman
- Lars and the Real Girl
- Laaga Chunari Mein Daag
- Manolete
- Sleuth
- Berkeley
- Naked Boys Signing!
- Khadak (The Colour of Water)
Okay, outside of what's probably going to net some Oscar worthy performances (George Clooney in Clayton and Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth: Episode II), I don't see any film really making me want to spend over $10. I didn't even hear about Tyler Perry's non-Madea movie the day it was released. Who knew it would be the weekend's #1 film. I'm no hater...but when a Tyler Perry film rules the weekend box office, movie execs gotta know it's going to be sloooow. Seriously...might the past two weekends been slow because the movies being released might, I don't know...suck? And not necessarily suck totally. Just suck as in the trailers were boring suck or the plots don't sound interesting suck or all the big named movies from the summer suck so these gotta suck too suck. I'm just puttin' that out there. Personally, I want to see Michael Clayton...but it ain't happenin' until it reaches DVD. That last movie like M.C. I saw in the theatre was Presumed Innocent. Innocent will continue to be the last movie I've seen in the theatre like Innocent too.
If you do the math, roughly 2.15 million tickets were sold for Mr. Perry's new hit film alone. Halo 3, Microsoft's epic monster superdelihypedspandelic release which set an entertainment record and the movie industry's most recent scape goat, had pre-orders of 1.7 million copies. Now, as far as we know, there are 300 million people in the Unites States as of this year. One-third of those people are most likely adults. Okay...stay with me here. Only 1.7 million copies of Halo 3 were sold, initially. What happened to the other 98.3 million adults who probably didn't buy Halo 3? Surely, those 1.7 million people playing Halo 3 have caused all this supposed turmoil amongst films elite? Heck, even if we stretch the number to 3.4 million (gamers have friends too), it still doesn't make a dent.
For what it's worth, the movie industry did it to themselves. I don't have enough blog space to list all the big titles that came out this year. Emo-Spider, Fantastic Special Effects, Japanese Robots From Outer Space, Pirates of your Precious Time (3+ hourse...jeez-us!!), Old Men Don't Die Hard, Bourne [insert noun or adjective here], The Wringing of the Shrek, Harry's All Grown Up, etc... Not for nothing, movie goers might simply be tapped out.
Please, let's put an end to the verbal diarrhea. Don't blame another entertainment industry for your industry's lack of intelligent scheduling and obvious greed.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Verbal Diarrhea
These people amaze me. They amaze not because of what they say...but because deep down inside, I think they actually believe the b.s. they spew forth. Not that believing in one's own words is a bad thing...but where do you draw the line? When do you finally stop what you're doing and say to yourself, "No, really...even I don't believe that shit I just said. You shouldn't either." Where's the respect? Where's the dignity?! I'm sure everyone reading this knows someone like this...who just won't shut up about something when you and they BOTH know it's nonsense! It could be a family member, a co-worker, even an acquaintance trying to impress you. What I mentioned earlier about knowing when to stop goes both ways as well. When do you look at someone and say, "Please...spare me. I beg of you!"
It takes strength, I know. Trust me...been there, doing that. Hell, I'm willing to bet some of you have already closed this window wanting to tell me that very thing. It wouldn't be a good bet for you 'cause you've probably already closed this window. But you get my point. If you don't get my point...well, just understand that you may be that one person that we all know that shovels the shit every now and then. Again, not necessarily a bad thing in of itself. Self-control is a beautiful thing though. When exercised properly, it can be a life saver or a deal maker. Try not to be that one person we all know and see what happens. It may change your life. Heck, you may even become president one day.
I'm just sayin'...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Friends...how many of us have them?

Do you call anyone friend? If so, by what measure have you placed them? How many do you have? Are you sure?
Someone I considered a friend pretty much...well...flipped the fu*k out last night for no good reason. It wasn't so much the flipping out....but the blatant disrespect I was given. I live by one particular mantra: It's perfectly okay to disagree with me. Just don't hurt me because of the disagreement. Plain and simple. I try to reciprocate as best I can too.
If two people cannot come to an agreement, or one isn't hearing the other (hello?!), then it's OKAY to move on from that and continue to be civil. It really is okay. Trust me. What isn't okay is destroying a relationship over one little thing especially when you share so many other bigger things.
Again, it's about being better. I try...
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Africans in America.

Being in NYC, you often hear jokes or comments about how there are so many Africans moving into our neighborhoods. Well...when I read horrible stories like this, is when I realize why.
All I'm saying is the less ignorant we are, the better we become.
One love.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
So...what now?
Oh, I know where to start now. I'm a hater. Yes. It's a fact. I LOVE everyone and everything...but the truth is, I'm still a hater. The difference between me and other haters though -- oh, wait...now where did I put that soap bo...oh, there it is! -- Where was I...? Oh, yes... The difference between me and 'em is that I try to reserve my hate for things that deserve it. Many haters hate out of jealousy. I hate out of frustration. Frustration born from the fact that I know - KNOW - we can do better. Do I hate 50 Cent because he's talentless? No. Do I hate 50 Cent because he knows he's talentless and still continues in his quest to get richer by doing that which he knows he sucks at? Yes. Do I hate the mortgage companies in general? No, for without them I wouldn't have been able to house my large family as comfortable as I am right now. Do I hate the mortgage companies for being greedy, slimy, bastards who rope you in with key lime pie then mush it in your face only after you've signed your very last sense of stability away? Absolutely.
My opinion on hate may not be totally disagreeable to most but the reason I'm going there now is because the one thing I do hate the most is nonobjective hate. Really, I do. Every day, I read the news and see people doing hateful things for the simple sake of doing it. No remorse for those they hurt. Ever since I was a kid, I've been overly emotional with regards to hate crimes, especially to those who've been hurt innocently...kidnapped or abused children, battered wives, unintended murder victims, fans who continue to buy those Now...That's What I Call Music compilations, etc. As my age rises, so does my sympathy meter. I'm not an emotional version of fly paper but I can barely read the news nowadays because of all the nonobjective hate which is reported. Most of it saddens me deeply. I know 'bad things' have been going on since the beginning of man but now that news is only a left mouse-click away, it only seems like an epidemic. It's not. What is is now is a mass overload of information where everything is 'news' but nothing is focused on more than two hours. At least, not the news that matters. I hate when that happens.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Ten for 2day.
- Mt. Vernon, NY needs to remember why it's so prosperous at the moment and keep Ernie Davis in office.
- I wouldn't want Soulja Boy fighting in my army. You're only as strong as your weakest link. I'm just sayin'.
- At 83 years of age, Jimmy Carter deserves more peanuts.
BET's Hip Hop vs. America was a waste of time. Heck, BET in general is a waste of time... - Zune 'til I die! But I'd take a free iPod Touch any day!
- Low-heeled mules should die a quick death.
- Hilary or Barack. Either way, I'm good.
- Someone wake me up when pro-basketball returns to NY.
- I propose we ban "Black" like we banned "Nigger".
- Sade owes me a new album.
- If you're viewing this on dial-up, I'm flattered.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
A heavy continuance.
How can something that started so peacefully from monks just, ya know... sitting down suddenly blow up like Violet Beauregarde? It's gotten so bad, even John Rambo is getting death threats. I'm not going to voice my opinion further than I feel that killing innocents is wrong (DUH!!). I just think we should pay more attention to that side of the world.
Remember that kid in class that got picked on for years, then decided to do something about it by becoming a cop, joining Bally's or becoming your wife's gynecologist? This is what's happening over there. Asia is mad as hell...and it's not taking it any more!!
Believing that we are 'safe' and what happens over there doesn't affect us is unrealistic. Eventually, all things around the world spill over everwhere else. Sure, these particular events might not affect your daily so & so's. It will, however, affect our long term events...taxes, shifts in political power & foreign policy, Beyonce concert cancellations, etc.
Monday, October 1, 2007
This blog shall speak of the wretched sea
That washed ships to these shores
Of mothers cryin for their young
Swallowed up by the sea
This blog shall say nothin new
This blog shall speak of time
Time unlimited, time undefined
This blog shall call names
Names like lumumba, kenyatta, nkrumah,
Hannibal, akenaton, malcolm, garvey, haile selassie
This blog is vexed about apartheid, rascism, fascism,
The klu klux klan, riots in brixton, atlanta,jim jones
This blog is revoltin against 1st world, 2nd world,
3rd world division...man made decision
This blog is like all the rest
This blog will not be amongst great literary works
Will not be recited by poetry enthusiasts
Will not be quoted by politicians nor men of religion
This blog's knives, bombs, guns, blood fire
Blazin for freedom
Yes, this blog is a drum
Ashanti mau mau ibo yoruba nyahbingi warriors
Uhuru Uhuru
Uhuru Namibia
Uhuru Soweto
Uhuru Afrika
This blog will not change things
This blog need to be changed
This blog is a rebirth of a people
Arizin' awaking understandin'
This blog speaks, is speakin', has spoken
This blog shall continue even when poets have stopped writin'
This blog shall survive you, me. It shall linger in history
In your mind, in time forever
This blog is time only time will tell
This blog is still not written
This blog has no poet
This blog is just a part of the story
His-story, her-story, our-story, the story still untold
This blog is now ringin, talkin, irritatin,
Makin you want to stop it
But this blog will not stop
This blog is long, cannot be short
This blog cannot be tamed, cannot be blamed
The story is still not told about this blog
This blog is old, new
This blog was copied from the bible, your prayer book,
Playboy magazine, the N.Y. Times, Readers Digest,
The C.I.A. files, the K.G.B. files
This blog is no secret
This blog shall be called boring, stupid, senseless
This blog is watchin' you tryin' to make sense from this blog
This blog is messin' up your brains
Makin you want to stop listenin' to this blog
But you shall not stop listenin' to this blog
You need to know what will be said next in this blog
This blog shall disappoint you because
This blog is to be continued in your mind, in your mind,
In your mind...your mind
This is only the beginning...
One love to Mutabaruka.