I'm not an, "OMG!! The [INSERT NAME HERE] Awards are on! WHOO HOO!!!" I do like to view whichever I catch on though, mainly for the performances. I could care less who 'wins' as it's all relative, generally speaking. I live and breath for (good) rap music but I sincerely love all music and can listen to just about anything. Anything 'cept polka and Gwar. They just suck.
That being said, it hurt real bad having to sit through the American Music Awards last night. My heart goes out to Mr. West for the loss of his mom but I really wished he had opened the show as originally planned. The opening trio of Fergie, Will.I.Am and Nicole Sherizengerenaegger was simply boring. They picked the wrong songs to open a show. Of course, this is just my opinion...but a 'big night' is supposed to start off with a 'big bang', writers strike be damned. You're performers. PERFORM.
Had it not been for Chris Brown's saving the day during the middle of the show with his lighter than air dance moves, I would've just pulled the plug on the entire ceremony. The showstopper though was Alicia Keys' performance with Junior "One Blood" Reid, Chaka Demus & Pliers and Beenie Man! It was so unexpected that I could barely sing along as my mouth hit the floor. Dancehall ... @ the AMA's? CLASSIC. What's funny is, the best performance leading up to theirs was Jimmy Kimmel ft. Souljah Boy.
I barely remember the other performances or who won. Oh yeah, Carrie Underwood had the most or something. Daughtry won a pair. I see a trend here. Damn, Clive...you're good. Real good.
Also, Queen Latifah blew me away. She sang something from her latest album, Traveling Light. Thinking of Q.L. as a good singer is one thing but thinking of her as a good singer who once rapped Ladies First, U.N.I.T.Y. & Buddy (remix) just brings it all into a new perspective. You go, Queen La.!! I ain't payin' to see you in concert though ESPECIALLY at them prices. If you sing AND rap as an encore, then you might get my money. Monie Love would have to do her part on Ladies First though. Where she at?!
Anyway, if video killed the radio star, then studio artists have killed stage performances. Honorable mention to Joe Jonas for falling and bouncing right back up. Watching it on video is one thing. Seeing it live was awesome!!
"Hip Hop will simply amaze you Craze you, pay you Do whatever you say do But black, it can't save you " - Dante Smith
Hip Hop is how I define myself. Hip Hop did not start in the late 70's. It started long ago, undefined, from several points around the globe culminating into what we now call Hip Hop. Hip Hop is a way, a feeling, a thought. This blog reflects my Hip Hop.
Thank you for paying attention.
Thank you for paying attention.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
There is a threat looming. A threat greater than any WMD could pose toward this great nation. That threat is...a pro-longed writers strike! Wait...why are you rolling your eyes? Do you not see how detrimental this can be towards the very fabric which holds us together?! Sure, there have been other strikes that have quaked the very foundation for which this country is laid. For instance, there was the Great NBA strike of '98-'99. We haven't been able to rid ourselves of the perennial Spurs *ahem* 'dynasty' talk since. Let us also not forget about the 2005 NYC Transit Strike. This set our beloved local businesses back billions of dollars! Lord knows they were only going to give part of that money back to the good people of NYC anyway! How could TWU Local 100 have done that to us?! Just breaks my heart...
I'm all for getting up, standing up for your rights...but this writers thing cannot continue for too much longer. There are particular inalienable rights this blogger cannot live without. One of those rights being the one where I get to veg out on my favorite TV shows!! How will I be able to function w/o my weekly dose of Heroes, Desperate Housewives and Prison Break? Huh?!
Yeah...sounds frightening, doesn't it? Do you know what happens to Bigg Russ when his shows are interrupted. I get angry. And trust me...you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. I am a fair man though and I'll accept a trade. If the Hollywood suits and writers agree upon a contract a.s.a.p., I will do everything in my power to make sure that the following list of people & groups go on strike and never come off.
TV programming isn't the most important thing in the world...but when I'm waiting to find out who Sylar's going to eat next or if Carlos and Gabby are truly going to be together again, we can't have interruptions such as this.
I'm all for getting up, standing up for your rights...but this writers thing cannot continue for too much longer. There are particular inalienable rights this blogger cannot live without. One of those rights being the one where I get to veg out on my favorite TV shows!! How will I be able to function w/o my weekly dose of Heroes, Desperate Housewives and Prison Break? Huh?!
Yeah...sounds frightening, doesn't it? Do you know what happens to Bigg Russ when his shows are interrupted. I get angry. And trust me...you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. I am a fair man though and I'll accept a trade. If the Hollywood suits and writers agree upon a contract a.s.a.p., I will do everything in my power to make sure that the following list of people & groups go on strike and never come off.
- Ghostwriters for rap artists. Seriously. You guys are actually getting worse than the artists you guys are writing for!
- Uwe Boll. Just watch one of the films he's directed. ANY of the films he's directed and you'll understand why I've listed him here. I can't even bring myself to comment any further.
- EA’s NBA Live development team. '95 is long over...and so is this series. 2KSports has buried 'em.
- Reality TV producers. Ironically, these guys are looking to get
- George Bush, Jr. Hell, I don't 'scriminate. His entire administration needs to take a well deserved rest.
- People who name products beginning with “i”.
- The San Antonio Spurs. Really, they can stop now. They're level of boring is unlike anything ever seen in professional basketball.
TV programming isn't the most important thing in the world...but when I'm waiting to find out who Sylar's going to eat next or if Carlos and Gabby are truly going to be together again, we can't have interruptions such as this.
Friday, November 9, 2007
I'ma get on this TV mama...

As a once non and current Kanye West fan, I want to personally give my condolences to him and his family for his recent loss. I often think about how I would handle a major loss like Kanye's. What I don't think about is how I would feel if I were on top of the world like Kanye and then had to deal with something like this. It's gotta be indescribable. I can only assume no song or phrase or chorus or video could possibly express the hurt of losing someone so integral to your being...from birth to worldwide status.
This particular story is important to me because Kanye's father wasn't around for his ascension. One thing I will always be is around for my children. Not because one of them might be famous and rich. But because it's simply important for men to be around to raise their children. Sure, one can argue that had Kanye's pops been around he may not have become the man he is but who's to say, really? It's a shame we'll never find out.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Ten 4 2Day: The Rap World
1. The Wu-Tang Clan is performing at the Hammerstein Ballroom in January. Go. I've seen them a few times, once at the Hammerstein. If you've got the Wu-Love in your heart, see them before any more of 'em start passing away. If you're Wu-Ignorant, then I'll recite a prayer for you. For the record, I get no type of compensation when I promote something here. If I say it's 'good', it's because I mean it. Also, can someone tell me why there's always at least two Wu-Members kneeling down in their photos? Is it a requirement that music groups over 5 members need to do this? I didn't see Earth, Wind and Fire doing it in their press photos? The E Street Band didn't do it, did they?!

2. Keeping the segue smooth on the rap tip and full in effect (word to your mother!), it's been announced that our favorite shooting survivor, Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, is being considered to host his very own talk show. Excuse me if I'm wrong...but don't you have to know how to speak to host a talk show? I'm just sayin'...
3. If you've seen any of these rappers listed below, please let them know that someone thought about them: The Fu-Schnickens, Skee-Lo, Domino, Smooth Da Hustler, YZ, MC Brains, Special Ed, Supernatural (you did your thing at Rock The Bells!), Positive K., Crucial Conflict, Mic Geronimo, Trendz of Culture. I didn't like all of ya but I ain't forgot! I wish I could forget a few of you though...
4. Not necessarily rap specific but if you've never been to a concert or show, please do yourself a favor and do what M.J. said, "Make that change!!" I've been to more concerts and shows than I can remember and I'll probably never stop. My concert-going experience began with Run-DMC & The Beastie Boys and continues today with Prince, Mos Def, Wu-Tang and a short list of performers I like to see live. Check out the man soon to be Rev. Run and 'em below.

5. If you're really into hip-hop and rap music, check out BrooklynBodega.com. Don't say you ain't neva heard...
6. The worst thing about T.I.'s recent issues is that he's bound to make an album about it.
7. Once upon a time, I used to work for a certain 'teacher' from The Bronx. He taught me a lot about the rap industry, even when he didn't know it. I thought a lot like Biggie. I thought all rappers were friends and wanted to rhyme with each other and drink 40's together and lace up each others Adidas' and shit. Well, my short time with the 'teacher' made me realize otherwise. Rappers hate each other something akin to rival basketball teams. Most of the time, it's not true hate...but that kind of hate that makes one 'team' hope that the other 'team' fails. I'm not trying to blow up anyone's spot but it was sure an eye opener to see WORLD FAMOUS rappers walk passed each other w/o even the slightest head nod. Where's the love, the respect, the homeboy-ness?!
8. Okay, I'll admit it. I miss Flavor of Love. I'm sure VH1's accounting department is missing it too!
9. At Rock The Bells '07 in NYC, The microphone fiend Rakim alluded to producing Paid in Full part 2. He obviously couldn't see my face from where he stood on stage but I looked at him seven ways to Sunday 'cause he should be locked up for even THINKING about something like that. He's more on the outs with Eric B. than Britney is with K-Fed (I can reference them...isn't K-Fed a rapper too? :D) Any idea of making a Paid in Full 2.0 without Eric B. is tantamount to complete and utter excommunication by the global hip-hop tribunal!! If I catch The R. on the street, I'mma let 'em know for ALL of us!!!

2. Keeping the segue smooth on the rap tip and full in effect (word to your mother!), it's been announced that our favorite shooting survivor, Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, is being considered to host his very own talk show. Excuse me if I'm wrong...but don't you have to know how to speak to host a talk show? I'm just sayin'...
3. If you've seen any of these rappers listed below, please let them know that someone thought about them: The Fu-Schnickens, Skee-Lo, Domino, Smooth Da Hustler, YZ, MC Brains, Special Ed, Supernatural (you did your thing at Rock The Bells!), Positive K., Crucial Conflict, Mic Geronimo, Trendz of Culture. I didn't like all of ya but I ain't forgot! I wish I could forget a few of you though...
4. Not necessarily rap specific but if you've never been to a concert or show, please do yourself a favor and do what M.J. said, "Make that change!!" I've been to more concerts and shows than I can remember and I'll probably never stop. My concert-going experience began with Run-DMC & The Beastie Boys and continues today with Prince, Mos Def, Wu-Tang and a short list of performers I like to see live. Check out the man soon to be Rev. Run and 'em below.

5. If you're really into hip-hop and rap music, check out BrooklynBodega.com. Don't say you ain't neva heard...
6. The worst thing about T.I.'s recent issues is that he's bound to make an album about it.
7. Once upon a time, I used to work for a certain 'teacher' from The Bronx. He taught me a lot about the rap industry, even when he didn't know it. I thought a lot like Biggie. I thought all rappers were friends and wanted to rhyme with each other and drink 40's together and lace up each others Adidas' and shit. Well, my short time with the 'teacher' made me realize otherwise. Rappers hate each other something akin to rival basketball teams. Most of the time, it's not true hate...but that kind of hate that makes one 'team' hope that the other 'team' fails. I'm not trying to blow up anyone's spot but it was sure an eye opener to see WORLD FAMOUS rappers walk passed each other w/o even the slightest head nod. Where's the love, the respect, the homeboy-ness?!
8. Okay, I'll admit it. I miss Flavor of Love. I'm sure VH1's accounting department is missing it too!
9. At Rock The Bells '07 in NYC, The microphone fiend Rakim alluded to producing Paid in Full part 2. He obviously couldn't see my face from where he stood on stage but I looked at him seven ways to Sunday 'cause he should be locked up for even THINKING about something like that. He's more on the outs with Eric B. than Britney is with K-Fed (I can reference them...isn't K-Fed a rapper too? :D) Any idea of making a Paid in Full 2.0 without Eric B. is tantamount to complete and utter excommunication by the global hip-hop tribunal!! If I catch The R. on the street, I'mma let 'em know for ALL of us!!!
10. One last promo: QN5.com. Qn5 is the jump off for some of the best rap music you've probably never heard. Home to Tonedeff, Substantial & CunninLynguists, QN5's been putting out some hella hot, dope, fly, underground, off the chains, hip, funky shit for quite some time now. Purchase the ExtendedF@mm album for a great taste of most of QN5's roster. QN5 is run by a Tonedeff, a NY'er by way of Miami. I've personally known and have bugged the shit out of Tonedeff for many moons now and can say that there's probably no cat as dedicated to his craft than he. Like many artists I know, he can be a perfectionist to a fault but his love of MC'ing and intelligent word play have made him quite popular. He's pretty responsible for blowing up the spot on many late 90's underground Internet hip-hop battle forums too. Drop by the site and let 'em know Bigg Russ pointed you there.
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