Nothing much to see here. Simply a list of songs that, at one time or another, have caught me off guard, made me think, protected or saved me from some pretty overwhelming emotions.
What a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong): Quite possibly one of the greatest songs ever recorded. Simple. Sweet. To the point.

Cloud People (Sweetback): The horns swept me away...carried me, when I most needed it.
I'm Old Fashioned (John Coltrane): This one belongs to me and my wife. Forever.
Sweetest Taboo (Sade): Do I need to explain, really?

I'm Missin' Your Love (Kem): What's the title say? Well...there you have it.
Joy (Blackstreet): I simply cannot listen to this song without thinking of my youngest daughter. Subsequently, getting choked up @ the same time.
I'm sure you've got a list too. Why not share it?
Bigg Russ